Feast Day
Today, so many years ago.
I awoke in his mind. I told him,
That hill. There. I said there would be flowers
and he found piles
of Spanish roses on the snow.
I said, show the Bishop. He turned out his apron,
and the world saw what was to come.
They say now I am a symbol, no woman at all.
They say the old goddesses hide beneath my gown,
they say you can see the stars in my girdle.
They say you can see children in my eyes.
They made me a flag and I led them through blood,
and they bombed my home with flowers.
Today I am blue-green, standing on the blackest moon.
Today I smile in my sleep,
and the war goes on in the night.
"One may no longer consider himself a Christian, but you cannot truly be considered a Mexican unless you believe in the Virgin of Guadalupe." -Carlos Fuentes
"The Mexican people, after more than two centuries of experiments, have faith only in the Virgin of Guadalupe and the National Lottery." -Octavio Paz